+30 22820 22316 info@ktelandrou.gr

Bus Timetables - FEBRUARY 2025

There are scheduled departures from the port of Andros (Gavrio) to the capital (Chora), Batsi and Korthi throughout the day.

Chora - Batsi - Gavrio

Departure from CHORA to BATSI & GAVRIODeparture from GAVRIO to BATSI
MON 08:30, 15:0010:15, 19:45
TUES 08:30, 15:00
10:15, 19:45
WED 08:30, 15:0010:15, 19:45
THU 08:30, 15:0010:15, 19:45
FRI 08:30, 15:0010:15, 19:45
SAT 08:30, 13:15, 15:0010:00, 14:45, 19:45
SUN 08:30, 14:00, 16:0010:00, 15:30, 20:00

The route from Gavrio to Chora passes by: Agios Petros, Kypri, Batsi, Aprovato, Palaiopoli, Stavropeda, Pitrofos, Aladino, Menites, Mesaria, Koumani, Lamira, Agios Spiridon.


Please note that the departures from the port of Gavrio to Chora & Batsi might be delayed depending on the ferry’s arrival time!

Chora - Korthi

Departure from CHORA to KORTHIDeparture from KORTHI to CHORA
MON 10:30, 15:0008:30
TUE10:30, 15:0008:30
WED 10:30, 15:0008:30
THU10:30, 15:0008:30
FRI 10:30, 15:0008:30
SAT --
SUN --

Gavrio - Korthi

Departure from KORTHI to GAVRIODeparture from GAVRIO to KORTHI
MON 08:30, 14:5010:15, 19:45
TUES08:30, 14:5010:15, 19:45
WED 08:30, 14:5010:15, 19:45
THU08:30, 14:5010:15, 19:45
FRI 08:30, 14:5010:15, 19:45
SAT 13:0010:00, 19:45
SUN 13:4510:00, 20:00

Please note that the departures from the port of Gavrio to Batsi might be delayed due to traffic.